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SOSHA ENQ Level 2 - The Apprenticeship

Deepen Your Mastery of Energy! Embark on a transformative 6-month journey with the EnQ Level 2 Apprenticeship program. This advanced training builds on foundational principles, offering in-depth techniques and practices to elevate your healing abilities and personal growth.


What You Will Learn:

  • Advanced EnQ Principles: Explore deeper spiritual and historical aspects of Energetic Intelligence.

  • Advanced Energy Techniques: Master complex practices for emotional and physical healing.

  • Energy Balancing Practices: Develop advanced routines to maintain energetic harmony.

  • Guided Advanced Sessions: Participate in immersive EnQ sessions for profound personal transformation.


Program Features:


  • 1 Hour of Online Learning Weekly: Engage with advanced, curated content blending theory with practical applications.

  • Bi-Weekly Interactive Tutorials: Join live sessions to refine your understanding with experienced instructors.

  • 1 Hour of Individual Practice Weekly: Apply advanced techniques independently to enhance your EnQ capabilities.

  • Monthly Masterclasses: Deep dive into specialized topics with guest experts.


Ideal for: Intermediate practitioners seeking to deepen their practice, wellness professionals aiming for advanced skills, and those committed to personal and spiritual growth through Energetic Intelligence.


Elevate your mastery and transform lives. Enroll now to advance your journey with EnQ Level 2 – The Apprenticeship.