$495.00 USD

Join SOSHA Reiki for all 3 levels over the course of all 3 semesters, and become a Master SOSHA Reiki Facilitator!

SOSHA Reiki Level 1

Unlock the Power of Energy Healing! Dive into the ancient art of Reiki and begin your journey towards spiritual and physical wellness. Our Reiki Level 1 program offers comprehensive training that will introduce you to the core principles and techniques of Reiki, enabling you to channel healing energy to yourself and others.

What You Will Learn:

  • Foundational Reiki Principles: Understand the historical and spiritual roots of Reiki.
  • Energy Channeling Techniques: Learn how to harness and direct universal energy for healing.
  • Self-healing Practices: Develop daily routines to cleanse your energy and enhance your wellbeing.
  • Reiki Attunements: Receive your first Reiki attunement to open energetic pathways and increase your healing capabilities.

Program Features:

  • 1 Hour of Online Learning Weekly: Engage with rich, curated content that blends theory with spiritual insights.
  • Bi-Weekly Interactive Tutorials Weekly: Participate in live sessions to discuss and deepen your understanding of course materials.
  • 1 Hour of Individual Practice Weekly: Apply what you've learned in your own time to help exercise your Healing Capabilities.

Ideal for: Beginners seeking a transformative personal practice, wellness enthusiasts, and those looking to incorporate energy healing into their professional toolkit.

Transform your life and those around you. Enroll now to start your journey as a Reiki healer.