$595.00 USD

Take your Healing Skills to the next level with Level 2 - The ENQ Apprenticeship!

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Unlock the Power of Energy! Dive into the transformative practice of Energetic Intelligence and begin your journey towards holistic well-being. Our EnQ Level 1 program offers comprehensive training that will introduce you to the core principles and techniques of Energetic Intelligence, enabling you to harness the power of energy for healing and personal growth.


What You Will Learn:

  • Foundational EnQ Principles: Understand the historical and spiritual roots of Energetic Intelligence.
  • Energy Techniques: Learn how to utilize energy practices for emotional and physical healing.
  • Self-healing Practices: Develop daily routines to cleanse your energy and enhance your well-being.
  • Guided Sessions: Participate in guided EnQ sessions to deepen your practice and experience the benefits firsthand.


Program Features:


  • 1 Hour of Online Learning Weekly: Engage with rich, curated content that blends theory with practical insights.
  • Bi-Weekly Interactive Tutorials: Participate in live sessions to discuss and deepen your understanding of course materials.
  • 1 Hour of Individual Practice Weekly: Apply what you’ve learned in your own time to help exercise your EnQ capabilities.


Ideal for: Beginners seeking a transformative personal practice, wellness enthusiasts, and those looking to incorporate Energetic Intelligence into their professional toolkit.


Transform your life and those around you. Enroll now to start your journey as an EnQ practitioner.