$1,145.00 USD

SOSHA Reiki Level 3

Master the Art of Energy Healing with Reiki Level 3 - Mastery

Achieve the pinnacle of your Reiki journey with our Level 3 - Mastery program. Designed for advanced practitioners, this comprehensive training will elevate your Reiki skills to the highest level, enabling you to facilitate deep healing and lead transformative sessions.

What You Will Learn:

  • Master Reiki Symbols: Gain mastery over the most powerful Reiki symbols and their advanced applications.
  • Energy Integration: Learn to integrate Reiki with other healing modalities for a holistic approach.
  • Advanced Healing Techniques: Develop specialized techniques for addressing complex healing scenarios and working with challenging clients.
  • Spiritual Leadership: Cultivate the skills needed to mentor and train future Reiki practitioners.

Program Features:

  • 1 Hour of Online Learning Weekly: Engage with advanced, curated content that blends theory with practical application.
  • Bi-Weekly Interactive Tutorials: Participate in live sessions to discuss and master advanced techniques with experienced instructors.
  • 1 Hour of Individual Practice Weekly: Apply advanced techniques in your own time to refine your skills and achieve mastery.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Receive personalized guidance and feedback from Reiki masters to support your growth and development.

Ideal for: Advanced Reiki practitioners seeking mastery, wellness professionals looking to integrate advanced Reiki techniques, and those aiming to mentor and train future Reiki healers.

Achieve mastery in Reiki and lead transformative healing sessions. Enroll now to become a certified Reiki Master with our Level 3 program.